Bloesem blog studio in trgovina v Singapurju
cherry on top
New items in Fensišmensi shop.
Fensišmensi in MAO museum shop
Muzejske trgovine imajo poseben čar. Sama sem prepričana, da je treba iz vsake odnesti vsaj svinčnik ali magnet ali plakat ali katerikoli izdelek zaradi njegove embalaže. Včeraj sem […]
hip hip hooray
V petek 1.7.2011 v trgovine prihaja nova zaloga Fensišmensi denarnic. A new batch of Fensišmensi coin purses will be in my shop and on the retailer’s shelves this […]
Underwater love
This must be a shop update.
peony purses
I am happy to announce new Fensišmensi product. Purses! Made to fit all lady’s daily necessities. You can see more colors in my shop and other styled images […]