Bali 2012: Sea Circus

Prav danes sem uspela mleko za kavo speniti tako, da sem na vrhu naredila rožo. Nekaj mesečni poizkus mi je uspel ravno na zadnjo objavo iz zadnjega dne Balija. Zdaj […]

Bali 2011: Denpasar City

Še nikoli nisva šla v center Denpasarja. Zemljevid je izgledal zelo obetavno, za lep sprehod po ulicah, potem pa so se na poti do tja taksiji redčili in […]

Bali 2010: Day Thirteen: Fischer Fritz fischt frische fische

We got up early to catch Jimbaran’s fish market. Winter is a low fishing season. The Swordfish we dropped our chins at, is a small catch. In summer, […]

Bali 2010: Day Eleven: Went to Sanur and came to Seminyak

We made a plan to go to Sanur after Ubud, but when we came there, we couldn’t find a vacant room. Ok, there was one for $ 980 […]