Prav danes sem uspela mleko za kavo speniti tako, da sem na vrhu naredila rožo. Nekaj mesečni poizkus mi je uspel ravno na zadnjo objavo iz zadnjega dne Balija. Zdaj […]
Bali 2011: Denpasar City
Še nikoli nisva šla v center Denpasarja. Zemljevid je izgledal zelo obetavno, za lep sprehod po ulicah, potem pa so se na poti do tja taksiji redčili in […]
Bali 2010: Day Thirteen: Fischer Fritz fischt frische fische
We got up early to catch Jimbaran’s fish market. Winter is a low fishing season. The Swordfish we dropped our chins at, is a small catch. In summer, […]
Bali 2010: Day Eleven: Went to Sanur and came to Seminyak
We made a plan to go to Sanur after Ubud, but when we came there, we couldn’t find a vacant room. Ok, there was one for $ 980 […]