2nd October 2010 is going to be the last Artmarket saturday this year. I am thinking for me, maybe even the last one ever. I’ll decide next year.

artmarket saturday
I hope Mišo still knows I charge him 5 euros for every intentionally ruined photo like this one.

Artmarket Cookbook Zine
Artmarket je ustvaril beležko kuharskih receptov, kot način, da se udeleženci Artmerketa, predstavimo še v drugi luči. Moj prispevek je afriški boboti. Originalen recept sem malo prilagodila; samo […]

Artmarket na Bregu
Po novem se Artmarket odvija le na Bregu. Lepa lokacija, ki se skriva za plankami gradbišča bodočega nabrežja na Bregu. Prijetna senčka, prijetna družba, prijetna glasba. Več slik […]

watch out! the strawberry is coming…
… yelled a boy, making way for a huge strawberry. You could also take a ride walk in a rather primitive cardboard car. Expect anything to pass by. […]

Three weeks till Artmarket, and I haven’t started making stuff yet. I am doing something new and getting some inspiration from a great book of bag history.