Fenšmensi x PIÑATEX®


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pinatex fensismensi blog coin purse

pinatex x fensismensi
fensismensi pinatex

PIÑATEX® proizvajalca Ananas Anam je nov inovativen in naraven material, narejen iz vlaken listov ananasa. Listi ananasa so stranski produkt žetve ananasovih sadežev. To so listi, ki so del rože in ne vrha sadeža. Listi ananasa, ki končajo v metrih Pinatexa zrastejo na Filipinskih ananasovih plantažah, kot stranski produkt pridelave ananasa. Liste procesirajo in predelajo v netkan material (podoben filcu). Material nato nadaljuje obdelavo v Španiji, ki ga z različnimi premazi dokončajo v Pinatex.

Pinatex služi kot naravna in trajnostna alternativa usnju in materialom naftnega izvora. Proizvodnja tega materiala ne zahteva dodatne pridelave surovine, ampak izrablja, kar je že na voljo in je sicer stranski produkt poljedelske proizvodnje.
Barvila, ki jih uporabljajo v končnem postopku izdelave Pinatexa imajo GOTS certifikat in AFIRM standard.

Po njihovem opisu materiala, se nisem mogla upreti dobremu metru srebrnega leska, čeprav dragega kot zlato.

Fensišmensi izdelke iz Pinatexa si lahko ogledate v spletni trgovini Fensišmensi.


Prve štiri fotografije so vzete
iz medijskega paketa Ananas-anam.

Piñatex by Ananas Anam is a natural, non-woven material made from pineapple leaf fibre which can be used as an alternative to leather and petroleum based textiles. It was developed as a natural based non-woven material that can be used as a sustainable alternative to consumers by offering a better choice for a better future.

Piñatex is made from pineapple leaf fibre, which is a by product of the agriculture industry. No extra land, water or pesticides are required to produce the raw material.

The Piñatex journey starts in the Philippines where the pineapple leaves, a by-product of pre-existing agriculture industry, are collected. The leaves (of the plant, not the fruit) are processed to extract the fibres and these are manufactured into a non-woven substrate.

The Substrate is then sent to Spain where it is finished into Piñatex which then comes to London where Ananas Anam has its Headquarters.

The dyes used for Piñatex are GOTS approved and the resins comply with AFIRM standards.

First four photos are from
Ananas Anam media package.

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