Razgled je posebne vrste turizem. Razgledni turizem. Če se ga lotiš kot je treba, potem si prvo vrsto v baru Ritz Carltona rezerviraš mesec v naprej, a povem, da tudi druga vrsta ni tako slaba. Razgled je v obeh primerih lahko enako siv, cocktail pa enako sladek.
HK ponuja nešteto točk za opazovanje tega veličastnega prizora, od najbolj turističnega vrha, pa do takšne, ki jo poiščeš v enem izmed nebotičnikov, ko se povsem naključno znajdeš v njem. Bolj priljubljena mi je tista, kjer igra klavir in kjer se cocktail po izbiri imenuje Sweet Life.
There are so many ways to enjoy the view of the HK skyline. And if you take it on like a proper tourist, you make reservations months ahead and don’t mind quaying forever to ride the tram to the Peak and back. But it pays to cut loose from what the guides tell you, because the view from the second row seats is of the same shade of grey as that from one feet from the window.
Most importantly, the cocktails taste just as sweet, the piano tunes wave the same and a little less magical taxi ride cuts the quay time, so you can enjoy at least a minute of what’s supposed to be a glorious sunset.
El Anatsui exhibition.
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