Kako zelo smiselno je bukirati Hair Spa appointment ravno za čas kosila. Oh, tiste neskončne tri ure in pol, ko se trgovine zaprejo in ko potem ne moraš niti slišati več o kavi, tramezzinu ali kepici sladoleda. Tri ure in pol, ko se moraš v Trstu posvetiti samemu sebi in zakaj se res ne bi, popolnoma. Na ponovno povabilo g. Vilerja, v Goran Viler Hair Spa salon, naju je s sestro ravno za ta čas, čakalo prijetno opravilo, barvanje zame in striženje zanjo.
Za začetek, masaža in kopel dlani z morskim milom. Dobrodošlica v salonu, ki ti požene mravljince po zatilju in spere dol vso frentičnost lovljenja odprtih trgovin in basanja dodatnih kovancev v parkomat na razbeljeni tržaški rivi. V bistvu se to po malem zgodi že, ko si zavežeš svilenkasto haljo v pasu in se po damsko sprehodiš do svojega stola.
Za drugi obisk salona (se spomnite prvega?), je zadostovalo le, da sem izrekla tri besede. Enako kot prejšnjič. No, izbrala sem malenkost bolj pepelnat odtenek in gladko sušeno pričesko. Če bi obe odšli z velikim bobom, bi še kdo rekel, da sva si podobni. Dve pričeski in zadovoljna obraza kasneje, sva dan zaključili s prigrizkom in nešteto portreti moje sestre.[/column][column]
Most shops in Trieste (Italy) close for the lunch hour. That has always been a traditional drag if you spend a whole day in the city. After three hours and a half, you could not hear of another cappuccino, tramezzino or gelato, and you would still have an hour to go before the shops open again. I accepted my second invitation to Goran Viler Hair Spa and an appointment at noon seemed to be this genius idea, that one (khm) hasn’t thought of until now.
A hand soap massage for a warm welcome at the salon took away all the franticness we brought with us. Franticness, it rinses right off, did you know? So, hair color for me and a bob cut for my sister. A cappuccino, a flip through magazines, a head massage, while your hair receives a little Uemura treatment, finished by a bow wow blow out. Two happy faces later, we cought our lunch and voila, the shops were open again.
Goran Viler Hair Spa is this amazing hair spa salon in Trieste, Italy, (remember my first visit?) designed and inspired by Japanese wabi-sabi concept and declared as one of top six Hair Spa’s in Europe. So if shopping closes the doors on you, remember, it is here, that they are always wide open.
Goran Viler Hair Spa
Via Roma 9
Trieste, Italy
tel. + 39(0)40 661 881, 630 323
črna in bela, light in dark. ampak obe lepotici! krasno preživet quality sis time.
O, pa altabau stanovanje, lepo ohranjeno. Nice.