Sama radost, ko iz takšne trgovine odkorakaš z lepo zavitim paketkom, ki ga skupaj drži nalepka s črko b. Nalepka, ki je lepo zaključila zadnji dan letošnjega potepanja po Aziji (temu tišina na blogu, če ste pogrešali objave). Zadnja točka na zeleni liniji metroja, ki pelje naravnost do letališča je bil moj ljubi Tiong Bahru predel in tam, na novo odprta trgovina enega samoumevno najljubših blogov, Bloesem.
“Ravno pripravljamo delavnice sitotiska in kaligrafije, če vaju zanima,” naju je ogovorila ena od Bloesem gospodičen. Takrat se mi je svet zazdel tako majhen, ker sitotiskam s trepalnicami, če je treba in potem sem skušala ne preveč tresti roke, ko sem ji potešila radovednost, kako na fotografiji izgledajo izdelki, ki jih tiskam. In potem, kot v idelanem blogerskem svetu, sem naredila nekaj fotografij, za objavo na mojem blogu.
Če vas pot lahko zanese mimo. Naj le vas.
Bloesem Creative Space
59 Eng Hoon Street #01-79
Oh the joy when you leave this kind of shop with a little something, carefully wrapped and sealed with a letter b. B for Bloesem, one of the best and most popular design blogs on the planet (not really needing my introduction), recently opened their own shop and space in Tiong Bahru in Singapore.
With Tiong Bahru being our last stop on our Asian holidays (explaining my month long blog silence), in blogers world, popping by in Bloesem was mandatory.
When they announced the opening of the space, I was really curious about the selection of design items they chose. Well, imagine the world of design in your hands and the selection and mood you have to set to fill a beautiful space like that. Irene designs her own line of products for Bloesem and the space is housing a beautiful selection of other local and international artists and designers, also hosting design classes as well. This space is very special. If you can pop by, than do.
rožnata vrvica me je do konca stopila.
Res čudovit creative space!
Oh my Goodness … this is such a beautiful post, THANK YOU!
the pictures are just amazing.
You really made my day, irene xx
Thank you Irene! It was nice to visit your creative space. You made my visit to Singapore 🙂
I hope to be back for one of your courses one day 🙂