the weather house girl

ana hribar fensismensi story magazine

Ne da bi želela govoriti o vremenu, ampak sem prav čutila, da bom to objavo objavljala sredi vročine. Največje poletne vročine v zadnjih petdesetih letih pravzaprav. Takoj za tem, ko sem se tisto popoldne v začetku junija, na posebno veselje naključnih turistov, sredi Gradu, radostno vrtela za profilno fotografijo za objavo v reviji Story, smo v Ljubljani razglasili konec zime. Sto denske nogavice so se poslovile, čevlji odprli, krila polahkotila in končno smo začeli instagramati tudi o poletju. Jaz pa v bundi.

Top: Zara
Skirt: Almira Sadar[/column][column]

Not that I would like to talk about the weather, but somehow I felt, that I was going to be posting this picture in a time that wearing 100 Den tights wasn’t going to be weather appropriate anymore. Now I’m posting it in the time of the worst heat weave in the last fifty years. In the beginning of June, a few days after Mišo took this picture for a feature in Story magazine, Ljubljana declared the end of winter and the only summery effort I took for this shot were short sleeves.[/column]

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