Singapore 2013: Tiong Bahru


singapore, tiong bahru, books actually, 40 hands

singapore, tiong bahru, books actually, 40 hands

singapore, tiong bahru, books actually, 40 hands

singapore, tiong bahru, books actually, 40 hands

singapore, tiong bahru, books actually, 40 hands

singapore, tiong bahru

singapore, tiong bahru, books actually, 40 hands

singapore, tiong bahru, books actually, 40 hands

singapore, tiong bahru, books actually, 40 hands

singapore, tiong bahru, books actually, 40 hands




Če bi mi dal pol ure v Singapurju, bi se odpeljala v Tiong Bahru. Trenuno najbolj hip predel mesta, s hip lokali, preprostimi in modernimi caféji, ki strežejo božansko kavo, restavracijami in številnimi trgovinami s konceptom, pomešanimi med zgradbe starega blokovskega naselja.

Knjigarna Books Actually je zanimiv preplet lokalnih izdelkov, knjig lokalnih avtorjev, zanimivih mednarodnih revij (Kinfolk, Frankie, The Gentlewoman, Smith Journal ipd.) in ravno teden pred mojim obiskom, so gostili Monoclov pop-up shop. Vzemite si čas za ogled dokumentarca o knjigarni.

Strangelets, Nana & Bird in two.o.ri prodajajo lepe zanimive design izdelke in modo, Flea and Trees je vintage trgovina, forty hands prijetna mini kavarna. Po Tiong Bahru bi lahko pohajkovala ves dan, a je bilo treba še kam drugam naokoli. Na seznam bi dodala še Drips Bakery in The Orange Thimble.

Books Actually
forty hands café
Nana & Bird
Flea and Trees
Drips Bakery
The Orange Thimble

If you gave me half hour in Singapore, I would spend it in Tiong Bahru. Well, it would take much more than half hour to properly enjoy everything this thriving and hip neighborhood has to offer. Cafés and restaurants, bakeries, nice brick and mortar shops and bookshops, all found their place in an old Singaporean residential area.

Books Actually is a small independent book store, offering a wide selection of fiction and literature and also publishes local Singaporean authors, it offers a nice selections of international magazines (Kinfolk, Frankie, The Gentlewoman, Smith Journal etc.), stationary and a rather large selection of vintage bowls, glasses and other kitchenware. My words may not be distributing what Books Actually encompasses, but their documentary film does that perfectly. Visit their blog.

StrangeletsNana & Bird and two.o.ri are nice disign shops, Flea and Trees is a vintage store, forty hands, a café that made Tiong Bahru what it is now. Time flies when you’re having fun, so many places went undiscovered. If you are visiting Singapore Drips Bakery and The Orange Thimble should also be on your list.

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