Singapore 2013: Chinatown

singapore chinatown

singapore chinatown

singapore chinatown


singapore chinatown

singapore chinatown

singapore, chinatown, mariaman temple,

singapore, chinatown, mariaman temple,

singapore chinatown

singapore chinatown

singapore chinatown

singapore chinatown

singapore chinatown

singapore chinatown

singapore chinatown

singapore chinatown

singapore chinatown


singapore chinatown


singapore chinatown

singapore chinatown

Ni je čez možnost, da si človek s počitnicami skrajša zimo ob ravno pravem času. Prav srečna in vesela sva se tudi letos odpravila v najine kraje. Prvi postanek, Singapur in njihova kitajska četrt. Živahna kot povsod in čista, kot verjetno samo v Singapurju.

Na fotografijah: prelepe Shop houses na Pagoda Street, kitajsko-novoletna kača na South Bridge Road, vabljivo lep vhod v hindujski Sri Mariamman tempelj, prodajalne Beef Jerkyja (mesna specialiteta, ki je nisem probala), vhod v mošejo zraven Sri Mariamman templja, trgovine vsegasortega, kača iz lampijonov št. dve in Buddha Tooth Relic tempelj.

There is nothing like a getaway to a warm and tropical climate, when your home town is getting covered in layers and layers of snow. Not to be appreciative, but it shore does help the filling you are escaping a fraction of the horrible winter. First stop, hot and tropical Singapore. I was so happy to be visiting Singapore again.

Pictured above are beautiful shop houses on Pagoda Street, Chinese New Year Snake display on South Bridge Road, stunning entrance to the Sri Mariamman temple, Beef Jerky shops (didn’t try it),  Mosque entrance alongside Sri Mariamman temple, shops of all kinds of stuff and Buddha Tooth Relic temple. All worth a visit.

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