DIY: Peter Pan Collar

peter pan collar diy free pattern

[column]Po čudovitem malem Nedelskem popotovanju se nisem mogla upreti svoji izvedbi Peter Pan ovratnika. Ali bolje, posvetila tistemu Marni ovratniku, za katerega sem enkrat na Yooxu prepočasi klikala in se, kot še nikoli bolj do tedaj, za pičlih 70 evrov, ubrisla pod nosom.[/column]

[column]My Sunday’s article in newspaper Nedelo brought back the memories of loosing a purchase of a beaded Marni collar at Yoox for mere 70 Euros, to someone who happened to have the ability to click through even faster than me, which I consider impossible. I’m still on a look out, but until then…[/column]

peter pan collar diy

peter pan collar diy

peter pan collar fensismensi blog

Škarje, nit, šivanka, bucike in kreda so za izdelavo ovratnika tako samoumevne, da jih ne potrebujem naštevati. S klikom na Peter-Pan-Ovratnik.pdf, si lahko kroj za ovratnik po želji natisnete.

Izris ovratnika zahteva dva 20 x 40 cm kosa blaga, 1 m svilenega traku v poljubni širini in barvi in bleščice. Blago z velikimi bleščicami s premerom 14 mm sem dobila v trgovini Kroj, na Ciril-Metodovem trgu 3 v Ljubljani.

Pri šivanju obeh strani skupaj ne pozabite na luknjo (tako kot jaz), da blago obrnete na pravo stran. Robove zalikajte, v luknje za trak vstavite trak in zašijte. Nato poljubno nanizajte bleščice.

P.S. Kroj pred izrisom na blago pomerite okoli vratu in ga po želji podaljšajte.

I feel silly saying you need scissors, chalk, needle and thread, nice piece of silk, beads and ribbon to complete this DIY, so I’ll just skip the obvious. You can download my pattern here Peter-Pan-Collar-Pattern.pdf. For this pattern you need two times 20 x 40 cm (7 ⅞ x 15 ¾ inch) of fabric. I used silk duchesse.

Remember to leave a small gap when sewing two pieces of fabric together, to turn the right side out. Insert the ribbon at each end, where you left the hole for the ribbon. Press and stitch the edges. Apply the beads in randomly pattern and attach the label if you have it.

P.S. Try the cut out pattern for size before cutting the fabric. Increase or reduce the size if needed.[/column]

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