Staying at the Maya Hotel Kuala Lumpur

kuala lumpur, maya hotel, accomodation, five star hotel, petronas, golden triangle

kuala lumpur, maya hotel, accomodation, five star hotel, petronas, golden triangle

kuala lumpur, maya hotel, accomodation, five star hotel, petronas, golden triangle

kuala lumpur, maya hotel, accomodation, five star hotel, petronas, golden triangle

kuala lumpur, maya hotel, accomodation, five star hotel, petronas, golden triangle

kuala lumpur, maya hotel, accomodation, five star hotel, petronas, golden triangle

kuala lumpur, maya hotel, accomodation, five star hotel, petronas, golden triangle

kuala lumpur, maya hotel, accomodation, five star hotel, petronas, golden triangle

kuala lumpur, maya hotel, accomodation, five star hotel, petronas, golden triangle

kuala lumpur, maya hotel, accomodation, five star hotel, petronas, golden triangle

kuala lumpur, maya hotel, accomodation, five star hotel, petronas, golden triangle

kuala lumpur, maya hotel, accomodation, five star hotel, petronas, golden triangle

kuala lumpur, maya hotel, accomodation, five star hotel, petronas, golden triangle

Ko sem vprašala Mišota, kaj se mu zdi najbolj pomembno pri bivanju v hotelu, je odgovoril, da klima piha po moji strani postelje. To še vedno ni zožalo seznama, zato sem izbrala tistega, ki sem ga želela izbrati že na najinem prvem obisku tega mesta. Hotel Maya naju ni presenetil, a naju ni pustil hladnega.

Zajtrk se prične ob 4.30. Ravnopravšnja ura za zmešane jet-legerje, potnike na jutranjih letih in za tiste, ki vedo, da za zajtrk strežejo najboljše riževe tortice ali Ketupate v mestu.  Kopalna kad se napolni v minuti, postrešček, ki zvoni popoldne, prinese popoldanski prigrizek, iz spodnjega nadstopja na vsake toliko  zadiši po aromaterapija oljih, soba je lepa in čista, ljudje prijazni, metro v bližini, razgled lep, predverje pa preprosto čudovito. In če si zaželite, da bi bile tiste čudovite rože v cvetličarni zraven umetne, se vam želja uresniči. Moje kolo bo dobilo šopek čudovitih frangipanijev.

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When I asked Mišo what is important for him when staying in a hotel, he said, just that the air condition is blowing over your side of the bed. Well, that left out none of the hotels in my top pick, so I chose the other hotel on my list for our first stay in KL a few years ago.

As the door close behind you, even your thoughts get lost in the silent tranquility of a sky high urban retreat as they concessively call it. The Maya Hotel was our second five star stay in Kuala Lumpur. Nice overall experience was as expected. A nice surprise was that breakfast started at 04.30 am. Early as it sounds, but I guess that’s how early you have to be, if you know that the Brasserie caters some of the best rice cakes in town. I knew there was a secret to a sky high pile of banana leaf wrapped somethings at the equally jet lagged couple’s table next to us. Whenever you read this, those rice cakes still linger on my mind.

I guess all five star bath tubs fill in minutes. Free afternoon snacks delivered to your room, save you feeling peckish. The open corridor space is amazing, the studio room is nice, the pistachio chairs in the lobby are immensely gorgeous. The only regret we left with was not taking time for a dip in their amazing pool.

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