five layer cake

islamorada, florida, hibiscus, kibiskus

Pravzaprav bi morala današnja domača limetina pita imeti tri sloje, pa bom raje zavila k Dobniku po pet tortic, ker še nisem uspela prebrati navodil za pečico. Tako praznične torte res ne bi rada ”zasrala” s prvo peko. Zjutraj sem se oblekla po inspiraciji Kirsten Vangsness v Criminal Minds in ves dan namenila slavlenju trenutka v katerem se nahajam.

Pet let niti ni prav veliko, glede na občutek, da blog pišem že celo večnost. Samo pet let pa toliko doživetij, poznanstev, znanj in izkušenj. Vse skupaj se je zbralo tudi v seznamu najbolj branih blogov v Sloveniji v letu 2011, kjer po nekem statističnem ključu, rangiram na sedmo mesto. Waw in hvala!

In srečno leto zmaja! Naj prinese vse kar obljublja.

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If I read the oven instructions, I would be buying ingredients for a Key Lime Pie and not five ready made petit cakes, to celebrate a five year anniversary of typing and uploading contents to this text area. And why bother anyway, if by the time the oven timer would go off, I would already consume all the sugar and wine, for which I would have to wait another couple of ten minutes so the pie would cool down.

Five years don’t seem that long and at the same time, it feels for ever. So many people met, great times and experiences lived. And another thing you and I achieved together is a seventh place on the most read blogs in Slovenia in 2011 chart. A big thank you for being here. I hope I make your time here worthwhile.

Happy Year of the Dragon!

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