Prvemu dnevu bi rekla aklimatizacija in getting things out of the system. Shopping znamenitosti. Šele po pizzi in kavi iz Princija se pravi Milano začne. To sem mislila dopoldne, zvečer pa sem bila prepričana, da bi enako dosegla tudi z una birra media.
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Acclimatization and getting things out of the system. That is day one and that means sight seeing the shoppers way. After a slice of pizza and cappuccino at Princi, I realized that you can’t have Milan without that. At the end of the day, my thoughts were the same about una birra media.
…oh, kaj še vse pride…:)
Tretja slika je fenomenalna!
Komaj čakam nadaljevanja….
Ooh I was there as one of the Blog & the City peeps, pity I didn’t get to see you!
O, jaa! Birra media po šopingu, pa tisti grižljajčki pice, oliv, čipsa in malih sendvičev, ki jih zraven postrežejo….mmmm, pa skeniranje mimoidočih, jasno.
Čestitam, tretja zmaga!
Hi Shini. I know you were. Great ansamble from you. I only got here on monday. I saw the big crowd on everybody’s blogs.