umbrella cover

umbrella cover, diy, brella, backpack rain cover

umbrella cover, diy, brella, backpack rain cover

umbrella cover, diy, brella, backpack rain cover

umbrella cover, diy, brella, backpack rain cover

umbrella cover, diy, brella, backpack rain cover

Nikoli uporabljen Balijski dežnik ni izdržal prvih ljubljanskih kapelj. Druge kaplje pa je zdržala le popravljena polovica. Ta dežnik nikoli ne bo tisti Balijski dežnik, čeprav si je vsaj malo želel biti, nisem ga pa mogla brezčutno zabrisati v smetnjak, ne da bi pomislila, kaj bi se dalo iz njega še narediti. Blaga je premalo za enega Christopherja Raeburna, ga je pa dovolj za ekstra zaščito proti dežju za mojega Deuterja.

Postopek: ohranjeno blago dežnika obrobite z dekorativno elastiko. Pri šivanju elastiko napnete. Zašijete luknjo na sredini blaga.

Mimogrede, ste že slišali za Brelli?

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You know the stories about people buying new cars and having all kinds of trouble with them all the time. There are stories about that kind of umbrellas too. I bought this one in Bali, after an evening of heavy rain, in case if it rains again. Of course it didn’t. I took it home and it broke the first time I opened it to use it. Than my mother sewn it back to working again and than the next time, the other half of the fabric tore. I’ve put an end to it. Kept the fabric in slightest chance of making something out of it. Can’t make a Christopher Raeburn out of it, I’ve already missed the flower season anyway. A bag would be so obvious, but an extra rain protection for my traveling companion took me only a few minutes to make.

How to: Take any salvaged umbrella fabric, line it with a nice decorative elastic, sew together the umbrella point hole and you have it.

Have you heard of Brelli?

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