I love your knitting series. I’ve started knitting a skinny scarf for myself as autumn is fast approaching, haven’t knitted for 4 years and I’m not as quick as I used to be.
I haven’t knitted for 22 years and completed one scarf 🙂 The knit from the first picture is from Simona from Niti Niti gallery (http://nitiniti.si/)
Today she told me, she made a piece inspired by Shini’s post, when she used needles in different thickness. It’s to dye for.
Oooo, kakšno lepo poeltno mestno posedanje!
In ta namig o različnih debelinah je zlata vrede…zadnjič sem božala pajčevine v Nitih in dobila en kup inspiracij;)
tvoja promocija me je zapeljala v niti niti, in zdaj sem cisto adijo od enega izmed izdelkov, cakam ‘cut off date’ na kartici, da ga grem kupit (ce me kdo ne prehiti)
I love your knitting series. I’ve started knitting a skinny scarf for myself as autumn is fast approaching, haven’t knitted for 4 years and I’m not as quick as I used to be.
dbest, otroci s štantkom! 🙂
I haven’t knitted for 22 years and completed one scarf 🙂 The knit from the first picture is from Simona from Niti Niti gallery (http://nitiniti.si/)
Today she told me, she made a piece inspired by Shini’s post, when she used needles in different thickness. It’s to dye for.
Oooo, kakšno lepo poeltno mestno posedanje!
In ta namig o različnih debelinah je zlata vrede…zadnjič sem božala pajčevine v Nitih in dobila en kup inspiracij;)
to pa je bil popoln after work “party”-le kje še imajo otroci take štantke 🙂
Shini’s knitting post is always inspiring. Unfortunately I can only knit the basic technique taught by my mother when I was 7 hahahaha.
tvoja promocija me je zapeljala v niti niti, in zdaj sem cisto adijo od enega izmed izdelkov, cakam ‘cut off date’ na kartici, da ga grem kupit (ce me kdo ne prehiti)