Lake’s Hotel Fashion Days – Event in Worthersee













lake's fashion days

katrin kafka




 kit from

shini from

bleščica in katrin kafka

bloggers at work

lake's fashion days

lakes hotel worthersee fashion days

Soba 127 je suite s pogledom na jezero, s popolno postlano posteljo, z ogrevanimi tlemi v kopalnici in ” little kitchenette” v kovčku, ki je skoraj Vuitton.

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Prvo modno opoldne smo blogerji preživeli v družbi oblikovalcev znamke Kayiko. Ob dobrem kosilu smo spoznali Karin Oèbster, oblikovalko kreacij japonskega stila, prelistali njeno knjigo v kateri ima zbrana dela njenega desetletnega ustvarjanja in spoznali, kaj trenutno polni njen dan. Kasneje sta nas povabila še v backstage pokukati, kaj se bo zvečer sprehodilo po pisti.

Kayikove kreacije sem si morala takoj pogledati od bliže, ker so narejene iz zelo prefinjene svile in lana. Preprosto čudovite! Njihove kreacije najdete v trgovini na Dunaju.

Kayiko podpira tudi zelo zanimiv umetniško družbeni projekt Global Jacket Project, ki s pomočjo zbranih sredstev podpira projekt Ute Bock. Po svetu so poslali štiri jakne, v katerih se fotografirajo različni ljudje in tako jakni ustvarjajo različne podobe. Njihovo pot lahko spremljate na blogu.

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First fashion day at the Lake’s starts with a stylish blogger’s lunch; a little get together with ball the loggers and one different designer each day.

First we meet Kayiko. Wienna based label, that estheticises a very luxurious japanese style clothing. The label dates back to 1998 and I find it has the ultimate answer for staying stylish while traveling. The garments are made from luxurious creased silks and linens and are meant to stay creased; so the more flight hours you sit on your trousers, the better.

Kayiko organized an interesting Global Jacket Project; a social art project organized to benefit Ute Bock’s refugee project. Kayiko has created four jackets, that are traveling around the world and different people are being photographed wearing them, so you can see how the same jacket can look very different by someone else wearing it. I wonder how it would fit me. Check out the jacket’s blog.

Austrianfashion, Bees and Ballons, Bikinis and Passports, C-Heads Mag, cooloutfit, Fanfarella, h.anna, Kathmography, Life.Style.Fun, Madonna, Mangoblüte, Model Talk, Oblačilnica, Park & Cube, Repeatoire, The Fashionglobe, Style Kingdom, SKIR – Stylish Kids in Riot, Style Kitchen, Style Slicker, Vienna Style

7 replies on “Lake’s Hotel Fashion Days – Event in Worthersee”

  • Čudovito. Zagotovo se imate res lepo in kot vidim, je poleg zanimivih oblačil tudi polno gurmanskih dobrot 🙂 zavidamo 🙂

  • Hi Ana,
    It was lovely to meet you at the bloggers lunch last week, I must say I absolutely in love with your blog your visual are breathtakingly beautiful 😛

    Hope to see you again next year or any future European press trips.

    Kit x

  • It was so lovely to meet you the other day, hope you had a nice long stay at the hotel, wasn’t it amazing?
    Beautiful photography!

    Shini xx

  • Hi Shini and Kit,

    it was nice to meet you too. Love love love your blogs! Looking forward to being your reader. Loved the room and the whole scenery. Just had a conversation with my boyfriend about where I would fit a LV kitchenette in our apartment 😉 Unsuccessful.

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