Restavracija oziroma warung, ki se nama je lani zdel tako zelo dober, so naju posedli na dva prosta stola. Odprla sem Made’s meni in pisalo je “A place to eat and meet”, kraj za hrano in srečanja. Pri Madeju poiščeš stol in ne proste mize in hitro se znajdeš v družbi ljudi, ki prihajajo iz vseh koncev sveta.
Moški, ki je sedel za isto mizo prihaja iz Singapurja in povedal nama je, da je to najbolj znana in slavna restavracija na otoku. Očitno nisem naredila domače naloge dovolj dobro. Kako potem, ne bi bila polna do čisto zadnjega stola, pa še hrana je daleč najboljša kot kjerkoli.
Dve Poljakinji sta imeli težavo pri naročanju hrane. Njuna prva noč na Baliju, delovali sta, kot da sta padli z lune. Fant, ki svoje tri proste tedne od mornarice preživlja na Baliju, jima je razložil osnove in povedal malo o otoku. Zanimivo, kako vsi uporabljamo enake besede, ko opisujemo ta posebni kraj, z imenom Ubud.
Naslednjič sva sedela poleg prijetne Indonezijske družine. Sem prihajajo vsako leto in tokrat so s seboj vzeli tudi babico. Skupna fotografija nama je bila samoumevna.
Hvala ”Zeldi”, za tako lepo pohvalo.
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We were seated at a table at a restaurant which we remembered from last year to be very very nice. I oppened the menu and it said: “A place to eat and meet”. At Made’s, you seat on a chair, not at a table and the people you are sitting with may come from any part of the world.
A man from Singapore told us, this was the most famous restaurant on the island. It became cristal clear, why every single chair was taken. I obviously didn’t do my homework propperly. Two ladyes from Poland had really hard time ordering something, as this was their first night in Bali. A Marine from USA explained them the menu and told them about this place on the island called Ubud.
The next time we sat next to a lovely Indonesian family from Java, who come here every year and this year they took the grandma with them. It was nice chatting with them and of course, they made a few pictures with Mišo too.
Thank you ”Zelda was a writer”, for making this blog your blog of the month.
Dear Ana,
Thank you for mentioning us in your blog and remarked a very grateful notice on it. I do felt honored and wished have more time to talk with you. I hope your time during your visit in Indonesia had an impacting memories and probably will give you another opportunity to return to our country. I have seen your photo’s collection and I do believe there were a lot of places, people and even our culture that you had to see whenever you decided to visit Indonesia. Keep up taking picture and God Bless You.
Warm Regards
Oni & Fams
hey, welcome to my blog and world 🙂
We had great time and will definitely make a return and see more of Indonesia. Lunches should take longer, specially at Made’s. Hi, to all of you 🙂
Hi Ana…I feel grateful if you had a great time during your visit in Indonesia. I’m sure you can find more interesting things on your next visit and also find another “made’s warung” in another city. it is 30 minutes to midnight at our time. Have you returned to your country ? or are you still on vacation ?
back home 🙁