Bali 2011: Luwak Coffee

at tutmak cafe


coffee plantage


coffee plantage



roasting coffee

luwak - the animal


nu crochet

shopping at nu crochet


rice fields on hannoman

ibu rai

monkey forest road


at ubud palace


Turistične plantaže na Baliju so zvrščene ob isti cesti v Bangliju, severno od Ubuda in vse ponujajo enako. Popravila sva napako od lani in kupila zavitek Luwak kave. Luwak kava na plantažah je 100%, tista, ki jo ponujajo na letališču, pa vsebuje le 5% Luwak kave. Posebnost te kave je zgodba, ki jo ljudje čustveno sprejemamo, ker zrna pred praženjem, naredijo pot po prebavnem traktu živali Paradoxurus hermaphroditus; ljubke lene udomačene živalice, ki se najraje hrani z zrelimi rdečimi kavnimi zrni. Pražena zrna dišijo kot navadna kava, okus je dober, a ne tako distinktiven, da bi kavo takoj ločil od druge. Kot bi pil Illy z malenkost kiselkastim okusom.

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It was about time to have a sip of some Luwak coffee. The taste is not so distinct that you would tell it from the rest. I would say it tastes like ordinary Bali kopi, or say Illy coffee, with a slight sowerness to it. I would say it’s more special for it’s story or the journey the beans make before they are roasted. Paradoxurus hermaphroditus or Luwak is the animal doing the job.

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