Bali 2011: The Kafe


mask carcing


statues for the big cremation ceramony

lunch at Tutmak

novi, ubud, bali

at Artini 2

The Yak Mag

The Yak Mag


Kava v Kafeju v Ubudu pomeni prispeti na cilj. Čas se ustavi, dnevi postanejo večni. Ozračje je magično. Gospodu pri sosednji mizi se dopade moj foto in pove, da ima njegova žena enakega in da ima eno od fotk v zadnji številki Yaka. On poučuje angleščino na lokalni šoli, brez plačila. Takoj prelistam revijo, ki nas goste vedno čaka na polici in kramljava naprej.

Gospod, ki se ga spomnim od lani in ki svoj je dan začenjal v Kafeju, to še vedno počne. Ker pride prvi, se vedno lahko vsede na klop na verandi, popije kavo, potem pa se vsede za nekaj ur še čez cesto na stopnico trgovine in opazuje goste lokala. Včasih je tam tudi, ali pa še vedno, zvečer.

Kafe večkrat obišče tudi fant s slike z avtomobilom. Suh, mišičast, potetoviran, dolgi močni črni lasje in obraz za tahuj portret. Pripelje se z avtom ali pa vespo z umetniško vrednostjo. Eno popoldne preživi na verandi z ameriškim fotografom, pijeta kavo in debatira o stvareh. Skrajno se mi zdi zanimiv.

Kafe je eden od krajev, kjer se na kupu znajdejo, znajdemo, ljudje iz vseh koncev sveta, vsak s svojo zgodbo, vsak z različno dolgim postankom, brezčasno kofetkamo, si izmenjujemo svoje zgodbe, uživamo v vzdušju lokala, opazujemo ljudi, beremo knjige in prebiramo aktualne Balijske revije. Če verjamete, si človek prav tu očisti vse misli in glavo začne polniti z novimi.

–  –  –

Something that I have been longing for the whole year is to be sitting at Kafe in Ubud and have one of those timeless afternoons that almost seem to be the meaning of life. Kafe is a very special place to be. Drink coffee or tea or have the most interesting indonesian meal, chat with other people from all over the world, listen to all sorts of stories, read all the current magazines and just free your mind.

A man at the next table tells me his wife has the same camera model and has one of her photos in the Yak magazine. I grab the magazine from the shelf to have a look and we continue to chat. He is teaching english to children for free. He is enjoying his afternoon at Kafe, resting his injured leg from a motorcicle fall.

A man who I remember from last year, still starts his day at Kafe. He comes first, sits at the same table on the porch, drinks his coffee and than goes to sit acoss the street and does some more people watching from there.

A guy from the picture standing next to a stylish car, comes to Kafe often too. He is so skinny and muscely, his arms tattooed and his hair is so long. He sits at Kafe, having coffee with a fellow artist from the States, discussing photography project in Seminyak.

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