V Bangkoku sem popolnoma srečna. In kako ne bi bila. Bangkok ima vse. Bolj raznolikega, živahnega, pisanega, ravno prav umazanega, ravnoprav modernega mesta, še nisem spoznala. S stojnic s hrano se po mestu širijo prijetne arome, na obrazih ljudi vedno srečaš nasmeh in drveči tuk-tuki pojejo enako pesem, kot jadranski škržati sredi avgusta.
Ne predstavljam si obiska Bangkoka brez vožnje po reki. Vožnja s klimatiziranim taksijem bi bila greh. Reka je pravzaprav center mesta in že z eno vožnjo doživiš mesto v malem. Z vožnjo na metroju ali Sky Trainu se znajdeš v družbi višjih srednjih slojev in če izstopiš na postaji Siam, lahko hitro oceniš, katera torbica prestižne modne znamke se najbolje poda k šolski uniformi. Bela do svetlo plava srajca, plisirano temno modro ali črno krilo s pasom, ki je na krilo pritrjen s črnimi pisarniškimi sponkami, torbica po moji presoji pa najbolje Chanelova 2.55.
Pot do kitajske četrti pelje mimo predela, kjer najdete ogromno trgovin, ki so do stropa založene s hi-fi komponentami in ogromnimi zvočniki, s katerih prah brižejo že od osemdesetih let. Nekaj ulic nižje počnejo enako z ogromnimi kupi starih avtodelov, ki krasijo vsak vhod v garažni avto servis. V Bangkok grem lahko še milijonkrat in vedno me bo znova očaral.
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I love Bangkok to bits. The smells, the sounds and all the smiles. It’s so vibrant, diverse and alive, quirky, just enough dirty and just enough modern, I fall for it everytime.
To get around the city, you quickly find yourself using three different methods of public transport; the metro, sky train and river boats. No visit to Bangkok is complete if you don’t ride with the river boats, well it’s how I feel anyway. The old part districts will surprize you in many ways. It’s always so fun to see the different ”district shops” that specialize in certain stuff. You’ll have shops selling hi-fi components, loaded with all sorts of instruments, gigantic speakers, that were probably the newest technology back in the eighties, than you have shops that sell old car and truck parts, piled so high, in the middle of the streets.
Food stalls everywhere. The smell is so nice and they are the once that make the streets so alive and colourful.
Riding with sky train and metro, you’ll be in the company of higher classes of society. Get off the sky train at Siam square and you have a show of the latest designer bags, hanging off the shoulders of rich shcool kids, chillin’ out in the malls.
čisto nov svet zame.
wow, you really got me interested in visiting bangkok (have never even thought about it before)! such wonderful photos. i want to give the dog a big hug.
Lepo. In pisano. Jaz bi še več te njihove tržnice 🙂 sicer so pa čudovite kot vedno, tiste prve ploščice pa res krasne.
jaz tudi gojim tak love/hate odnos do azijskega sveta. zaenkrat se bom varno držala tvojih fotk, čeprav.. 😉