I redone the last picture. Last year I took this photo http://blog.fensismensi.com/?p=2400 and I lost the larger version of it, so I took it again this year 🙂
Kako pravljično… Zraven pašejo vroča čokolada z ingverjem in rogljički s kakavom, lešniki in cimetom. Pri nas se je že stopil, v petek je bilo pa prav lepo gledat snežinke.
Oh, that first picture especially is so wonderful – like a magical snow-globe. Today was rainy here in New York, and very windy — a good day for staying inside with lots of tea. I don’t mind the rain, but I like the snow more.
lepe slike…in prelepa torbica!!:) od koga?
torbica je Tinakela
what i love about your snow pictures: everything! they (you) really capture the beauty of snow. happy weekend ana!
thank you Sandra 😀
zelo se strinjam nad napisanim… pri nas sicer ni snega smo pa imeli lep sonček danes…
fotografije so čudovite (kot vedno, torbica pa je res snežena… 🙂
beautiful beautiful pictures. amazing the last one. seems almost abstract.
I redone the last picture. Last year I took this photo http://blog.fensismensi.com/?p=2400 and I lost the larger version of it, so I took it again this year 🙂
Spet so fotkice fenomenalne ! 🙂 in kreativa se spet čuti na tretji in četrti fotkici ! všeeeč ! 🙂
Kako pravljično… Zraven pašejo vroča čokolada z ingverjem in rogljički s kakavom, lešniki in cimetom. Pri nas se je že stopil, v petek je bilo pa prav lepo gledat snežinke.
Kako je lepo gleati sneg skozi okno nekoga drugega;) Mislim, da že imaš fotke za letošnje voščilnice. In še vedno sem fouš za beli kokun:(
Oh, that first picture especially is so wonderful – like a magical snow-globe. Today was rainy here in New York, and very windy — a good day for staying inside with lots of tea. I don’t mind the rain, but I like the snow more.