A quick decision turned ‘having a coffee at Piazza Unità‘ into ‘having a coffee at Piazza del Carmine‘. Saturday is not such a good day to shop in Milan I learn, although Trieste wouldn’t be any better for it’s Barcolana. I forgot how dense these big cities get, when the school is out.
A 50 meter line outside A&F is actually doing you a big favor. An escalator climb to the top of La Rinacente was just as crazy and they weren’t giving anything for free. The only escape to tranquility is away from anything ”central”. Piazza del Carmine with the Marc by Marc Jacobs store and the cafè offer just that. A quick visit to 10 Cosro Como and their Outlet to see the new collections. They are heavily stocked with Alaïa and I drooled over every piece of clothing.
Well my dear city, until the next time.
kjut nogavičke in kjut balerinke!!!!
Mmmm, krasno čudovito. Jaz sem bila pa pridna. 😉
Lovely pictures! So inspiring. I love your love!
Upam, da si ulovila rozasto taškico (ker jaz bi jo).
Camilla z bloga Zela was a writer je navdušena nad tvojim Milanom…in kot pravi, bo še posebej predstavila tvoj blog! E Viva!!!
Zelda in ne Zela!
wiii 🙂
I discovered your blog yesterday and was so pleased to see your great fotos from milan. Was there too, ten days ago! You can see my milan-pictures on my blog. More will follow
nice pictures ka 🙂 and your blog
i wanted to see navigli too, but had no time
always leave something, so there can be a next time
Tistole krilo, pa škrnicelj sladkega kostanja, potem pa na potep s tistilem fensi biciklom. 🙂 Čudovit utrip mesta!
UAUAUAU Milano!!! what a wonderful pictures. It is just great. I love specially the flowers picture.
Zlatonoga kura te lepo pozdravlja:)
hi hi, helo 🙂
Čudovite fotke, Milano je še enop izmed redkih večjih italijanskih mest, kjer še nisem bila in tele fotke delajo prav skomine 🙂
hej, hvala za krasno prezentacijo, pa še easyjet začne leteti decembra 🙂