A cloudy day in a hot climate like this is a bless. We walked all the way from Seminyak to the airport and made a few necessary stops on the way. Found a cool store, selling Obey Clothing and some amazing prints and a book. When the sun broke out from the clouds, we were walking along Tuban area, full of expensive resorts and no shadow to hide in. We melted like boiling frogs.
There is an amazing turquoise blue light that appears on the beach, just after the sunset. Of course there is two hours after sunrise and two before the sunset light conditions, but this light after sunset, which lasts just about ten minutes, is something else. It’s like a elite chrome effect on film. Every day, we waited for that light. Sun sets, cameras out.
Lahko bi koga zposlili, da vam ta čas, ko vas ni, upravlja shop na netu. Ali pa di ba vsaj napisali kdaj bo spet odprt. ???
by the way, to je bolj fotoseshion, ne pa blog.
LP, Mala
izdelki so na voljo tudi na drugih prodajnih mestih http://www.fensismensi.com/info.html
fotoblog Mala, fotoblog 😉
meni pa je blog všeč. Dokumentirano je vse v sliki in ne v besedi, pač malo drugače.
ups, saj ni res, seveda je dokumentirano tudi v besedi. Malo sem nerodno napisala.
Predstavljam si, da na zadnji sliki večer gospo boža po levi lički.