After visiting the crazy talking bird (see video), we had some coffee at Tutmak Warung and than hired a driver to Tampaksiring to see two tempels. Tampaksiring is a village north of Ubud and there is the most beautiful hindu temple I ever saw. If tranquility and good karma had a condo, this would be it.
My favorite picture of all from this trip is the one with umbrella. Our driver lent it to us, but there wasn’t much rain. On our way back, he took us to see ”Bali original”. That was a ride through small villages just off the main road, full of rice paddies, traditional balinese houses and small family temples. I didn’t take any photos, I just let myself enjoy it.
When I saw the towels rolled into animals I laughed my heart out. Just before going on holiday, I red the whole Facebook site that publishes absurd complaints travelers make to travel agencies. ”The ship’s staff is making animal statues out of our towels and are placing them on our beds,” was one of the complaints.
This day was perfect!
Brisače so res hude. Prav malce perverzno deljejo.
Čudovite fotke!
Goske so fenomenalne!!! Mislim, vse fotke so vrhunske, ampak gospodične z oranžnimi kljunčki zmagajo no. Pozerke!
ja, tam lahko dobiš tudi ticket to the moon. krasne so riževe terase in na eni od slik je tudi pleten koš, ki ga nosijo na glavi v tempelj v obliki škatle, ki je nama všeč. si si kakšnega prinesla?
Z ogledom “day 7” serije tvojih fotk sem zaključila svoj včerjašnji (nadvse uspešen :)) dan, napisala komentar in v zaspanosti pozabila pritisniti “submit comment”. Danes ponavljam: tako zelo doživete fotke, da se skoraj počutim kot bi bila tam. Barve, barve, in še enkrat barve!! 🙂
prinesla. namen sem jih imela prinesti 5, pa potem niso imeli takšnih, da bi jih lahko zložila eden v drugega, zato sem lahko vzela le dva in mahovilila z njima v roki po letališčih. zdaj bove lahko z mami hodile na trg, tako kot Balinezijke 🙂
kako si prenašala te škatle po letališčih si kar predstavljam. že zaradi tega ti bodo toliko bolj pri srcu. vedno, ko jih boš pogledala ali videla v prostoru se boš čisto sigurno spomnila balija.
kar se pa tiče hoje na trg, si bosta pa z mami res lahko privoščili poseben obred. dobro, da si prinesla dve.
all these photos seem to have incredible drinks!