We were so happy to be leaving busy Kuta area for tranquile and picturesque Ubud. I think Ubud and around is where all the beauty of the island is. So many tempels, ceremonies, offerings, dance and music performances, rice paddies, beautiful balinese gardens, crafting villages, smilly people, beautiful people, good food, nice accomodations, stylish motorcycles, beautiful shops, good cafes and not so many pushy street sellers. Monkeys are nice to watch, but they can be extremely annoying and dangerous too. The only thing missing this time was Frangipanis blooming.
Time stands still here, or at least you get the feeling that you have been here for a long time. The days were long, because we woke up with roosters every day. Actually, it was like a jungle out there. Roosters, frogs, ducks and goose, birds, geckos and other sound producing living things. Listen (click on Memo). Mišo cought a gecko, making sound.
Women in Bali carry everything on their heads. They have an incredible ability to balance just anything, even when riding a motorcycle. I envy them.
Ubud s posebnimi energijami, zelo duhovno, kulturno in meni najljubše mesto na Baliju. Tvoje fotke kažejo smisel za složno življenje z dobrimi duhci, odnosom do hrane, odnosom do narave in živali.