officially happy

The Mayor flipped the switch, the lights are up and we officially have a december holiday season. This year, christmas lights just got overboard for my taste. Although only one man is responsible for them, the Presern’s square looks like too many chefs were cooking the broth.

Those children’s drawings are displayed in Ljubljana’s main post office. Aren’t they nice? It must bring’s a smile to every face.

I love when the stores put lights on their windows. It feels so cosy and inviting and it reminds me of Berlin.

My favorite december stall would have to be that of Ursanina, Nika Stupica and Irena Nose and that of Ksenija Baraga.

8 replies on “officially happy”

  • Se strinjam glede juhe..letos je notri preveč pisane zelenjave 😉 ..škoda za kongresni trg, ki letossameva v senci temnih dreves strojev…

  • mislim, da je vsa zvezda-park dekoracija na Bregu, vsaj lampijončki so tam.
    in potem kot da ni že dovolj kičasto, so pri konjskem repu še tisto snežinko/vilo/angelčka privlekli ven

  • joj tud meni so tisti lampijončki na bregu little 2 much. Lahko tudi samo to komentiram, ker ostalega še nisem videla. Kar je pa razvidno iz tvojih fotk, zgleda zelo mamljivo.

  • jaz sem pa danes v dezju zvecer na poti iz sluzbe zagledala lampioncke na bregu in se mi je zdelo ful lepo, tako nekako svetovljansko, res res lepo-
    kako razlicna mnenja

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