Something has got me thinking, and I realised that the more I travel, the more I want to travel. It’s a neverending story. Not that you would ever want it to end, but it is something that you just don’t have a chek list for. Been to Thailand (twice) and still want some more. Been to Bali, and still want some more. Been to NYC (three times) and still want some more…
And after reading a story of Johan Pergeniuses Sailor, it was spot on. So simple and so true. Now one of the Sailors is sitting on my desk, looking outside and wondering; where should he sail next. Isn’t he cute, with his boat. I have a boat like that, you are just unable to see it.
“Sailor has been to many places and still longing for some more.”
Johan Pergenius
I know where I’m sailing next. I have been there already and I will have some more.
I know what you mean, I only travelled overseas once, but since then I’m so anxious to go to more places. Such a big world, so little time (money) … =)
mislim, da te bom kar citirala: sem ti zdravo fouš! 😉
razmišljam, kaj je mogoče še boljše od samega potovanja.. planiranje (beri: sanjanje) kam iti.
jaz tudi vem kako se počutiš. vedno em odhajala na kratka potovanja (cca 1 mesec), potem pa sem se en odločila, da potrebujem več in sem spakirala in odšla v azijo za pol leta. zdaj sem že skoraj pol leta doma in pete me že spet srbijo. pa sploh ni fora v tem, da mi doma ne bi bilo v redu. super mi je, obožujem slovenijo, ampak vsakič ko se vrnem se počutim nekako pomirjena in zadovoljna. jaz sem recimo na tajskem preživela 2 meseca, ampak vseeno že od avgusta gledam karte, da bi šla spet tja. samo za 2 tedna, da padem nazaj v tisti filing 🙂
i can imagine sailor is so happy being in your country. i would have loved to join but johan said there was no room for me in the package (guess he wanted me to stay here with him) 🙂
The sailor is very happy here. Maybe if there was ”personal delivery” as a shipping method…
Ti kar pojdi in prinesi foto dobrot! Jaz lahko na take zadeve pozabim do poletja in še takrat bo “le” Evropa. Zdaj sem v fazi (beri money) evropsskih prestolnic…ahhh, saj sem vidla kar lep košček sveta. NYC pa je v planiranju, takem malce resnejšem, čeprav ne zelo kratkoročnem. Kdaj odplujeta?
Ana, eno vprašanjce (mimo teme ampak znotraj koncepta): morda veš ali bo (in kdaj) božični art market (Gornji trg)?
Uh, nič ne vem. Nobenega razpisa do sedaj. Bo pa v Mariboru nekje, organizira pa V5
I just wanted to leave a signature in your wunderful blog that I found today! Your pictures gives me so much inspiration. I will definetly come back! 🙂
Thank you Tant Grön, come and visit 🙂
Dontella – te je v njenem zadnjem postu pripročila 🙂
videla ja in čisto pozabila komentirat. prav raztresena sem zadnje dni in delam vse na pol 🙂
a si ti že odasailala kam? brez povedat, pa take! 😉
neee, nikamor še šla. februarja odplujem.
This post made me longing for far away places. I’ve never been to asia before. But I’m dreaming of going there. I really like your blog!
Thank you Maaret 🙂