Wine and the city

Včeraj sem se spraševala, ali ni 1,30 EUR za deci caberneta v muzejski kavarni zelo poceni. Potem sem ugotovila, da je, glede na kvaliteto, to še kako drago. Danes zjutraj sem imela priložnost popraviti svoj okus, saj so po celem mestu degustirali ”Martinovo” vino, a je bila malce prezgodnja ura. Potem sva se na promenadi vsedla na kavo. Pred naju se je vsedel tudi en par, h kateremu so takoj pristopile tri ”ciganke” z mapo in ju ogovorile, da sta izpolnila in podpisala nek ”obrazec”. Ker sva vedela, da je ta prosjaška pogruntavščina en sam nateg, sva ta par opazovala z začudenjem, kako sta brez oklevanja vzela mapo v roke, izpolnila polja, se podpisala, potem pa tudi plačala in pri vsem tem dejanju izgledala tako, kot da sta pravkar sklenila superduper ugoden nakup. Potem sem se zamislila, če ju morda že dolgo ni bilo v mesto, da sta sprejela tiso, kar jima je mesto navrglo. Moja mami pa se je danes s fotografskim tečajem odpravila na teren. Me prav zanima kaj je posnela.

Yesterday I was wondering, if a price of 1.30 eur for 1 dl of cabernet in a museum caffe wasn’t like extremely cheap. For a glass of wine of that low quality, it turned out to be quite expensive. Today, the whole city center was serving wine, as Martinovo (a celebration of wine) is at the door, but I still had that bitter taste in my mind from yesterday.  We set down to have some coffee and one couple also sat down in front of us. A group of three Gipsy women came to their table, asking for a signature on some sort of list and than they had to pay a certain amount of money for I don’t know what. And this is like common knowledge, that they are ripping you off and all you should do is just say thank you and ignore them, but the couple was completing those forms and than paying like they were getting a real bargain. It was funny to watch them and they really looked like they haven’t been to the city in a long long time. My mom went on a field trip with her photography class today. I wonder what she made.

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